Friday, 31 May 2013


Hi guys, the teacher asked me to post the list of aspects she's going to take into account for our discussion about Sula next Tuesday. Here they are:

  • Family trees ( The Wright & The Peace family).
  • Two adjectives to describe each character.
  • Historical events (in the U.S.A., in South America, in Colombia between 1919-1965)
  • Main events in the novel.
  • Sula’s house vs. Nel’s house ( a description of the environment they were raised in)
    Themes/Political issues
  • Style.
  • Author.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Text and audio : The ones who walk away from Omelas

Hello guys !!

In these links you can find the short story and the audio of  ¨The ones who walk away from Omelas¨ by Ursula Le Guin.

Enjoy your reading!



Monday, 6 May 2013

Guide questions

Hello people, here you have some questions for you to have in mind for the discussion:

Do you agree with Benjy’s mother, when she said that he ignores his sister?
Why do you think Benjy didn’t remember his sister name?
What is the meaning of the bird in the story?
Do you think the girl fell through the ice deliberately or accidentally?

Do you think the visitor was scare or embarrassed about Steven?
‘Desperate’, would be a good word to describe what the visitor felt in that house?
Do you think what happened is the girl’s mother and aunt fault because they try to get rid of her for a while?
If Steven would have been family of the narrator, do think things would have been different?           

What do the boy and the girl telling these stories reveal about their own character?
Do you think these stories are a reflection on how society behaves with people like Sheryl and Steven?
Are the mothers unreasonable on forcing the kids to do what they didn’t want?
Do you think the attitudes of the narrators are a natural and instinctive human reaction, or are they a result of parental influence on the child?

Sunday, 5 May 2013

The flight of the snowbird by Jean Lively

Hello guys, here is the link for one of the stories we're going to discuss on tuesday, enjoy!

Tomorrow I'll correct the first page for the other story, because is not well done.